Saturday, November 2, 2019

International Influences to Democratization Essay

International Influences to Democratization - Essay Example It is a government by the people and for the people. As opposed to authoritative regimes, a democratic government is more open and more responsive to the needs of the people. It is a government in which the cities are involved in the process of democratization. The process of achieving a democratic regime is not that smooth and sometimes it may even involved shedding of blood. Democracy cannot take place overnight and that is why it has taken many countries in the world a lot of time to come up with a democratic regieme. There is also a factor of the vested individual interest in every regime which makes it hard to achieve opening in a government. In may cases democracy has been achieved throngs the influence of the internals community and not from the process of internal democratization. Although internal democratization unconsidered to be the best form democratization, sometimes it is hard to achieve due to the clout of few individual who want to maintain their vested interest in the governments that they are running. That is why the process of democratization has remained to be different in different parts of the world depending on the influence of the international community. (Keane 2000, p. 39) As the wave of globalization brings that world to a global village, there are more openings in the government which has been enabled by the increased flow of information from one place to another, government have become more exposed to the scrutiny of the world and they have been gauged by the way they are having open regimes. One of the critical issues of democracy in nations has been the respect of human rights. In this case there have been class for the need to observe international human rights. Democracy has been marked by some key factors which are concerns of human nature. For example the respect of human rights has been used as one of the most important gauge to measure the level of democracy in a nation. Presence of free and fair poll which elect leaders of the country has been used as another gauge of democracy. The electoral process and the ability to meet the needs of the citizens is one of the most important factor that signify how open and democratic the country is rules. (Currain 2006, p. 69) Democracy is based on institutions. Therefore its the way a country formulate institution that will help it uphold the above said principles of democracy that will determine how it will be able to have democratic regime. This is one of the reasons why the process of democracy takes a long time to achieve and why it may need the influence of the international community. Institution like the election commission or any other body which is free from the executive or the legislative arm of the government is very important to ensure that a democratic regime is put in place. A democratic regime should also be able to uphold the principles of rule of law. This means that it should have a constitution in place the will effectively serve the needs of the people. A condition is the most important tool or institution as is used to uphold the principles of democracy in a country. The judicially system should be fair and free from the influence of the executive which will help it to rule the count ry according to the principles of the rule of law. (Rita 2000, p. 64) Comparative democratization in

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